Why You Should Consider Building A Butler’s Pantry In Your New Home

In a time where having a servant was the norm, many homes had what was considered a butler’s pantry. Similar to a traditional pantry used for storing foodstuffs and ingredients, a butler’s pantry was many used a storage space for serving items, particular the fine china or the family silverware. At the time this also served as a place for the butler to count and clean the silver. In the case of European butlers, they often would sleep in the pantry as it fell to them to keep the silver under lock and key.

While most homes no longer have a butler or a copious amount of silver to count, Butler’s pantries becoming very popular in new homes. If you’re looking for style, storage space, convenience, or a mix of all three, the butler’s pantry is a great way to do it all. Here are a few reasons to consider building one in your new home.

  • Increased efficiency during meal time– For maximum efficiency the pantry is located between the kitchen and the dining room. New versions of the butler’s pantry often contain counters, sinks, and even a refrigerator and dishwasher. This means a meal can be prepared in the kitchen and staged in the pantry which provides more space for everyone to work and move around in, an absolute blessing during larger meals such as Thanksgiving.
  • Be a Better Host/ Hostess– Some homes have turned their butler’s pantry into a wetbar. Providing an excellent place to prepare some after dinner cocktails or prepare a cheese board when entertaining guests. Because of the close proximity to the dining room, it’s still possible to carry on a conversation while you freshen your guests beverage.
  • Decrease the clutter in your Kitchen– Kitchens are often one of the most over cluttered spaces in the house due to the sheer volume of use and amount of things stored there, especially kitchen implements that don’t see heavy use. With a proper butler’s pantry you’ll have plenty of space to store things which can help free up much needed counter and cabinet space in the kitchen.
  • Cut Down on Cleaning Time– The one thing that no one looks forward when it comes to a meal is the clean up afterwards. Between dishes and cookware, cleaning can be one of the most time consuming chores, especially after a bigger meal. If you have the space to incorporate a dishwasher in your butler’s pantry, you can split the dishes and ultimately the total clean up time after a meal, making the idea of having holiday dinner at your house a little less daunting.
  • Bring a touch of class to your Home– Not only does the extra space allow for a more efficient kitchen, but it gives you a space to really flex your creativity. For those looking for a more classical feel, dark oak cabinets and a chandelier can really lend some elegance to your home. Or you can bring it up to speed with the rest of your home, adding an ultra modern twist to a classic room in your house.

A butler’s pantry is an excellent addition to any home. With endless design possibilities, added storage space and increased efficiency during meal times, it is certainly a consideration when making plans to build your new home.

+Ken Uhrich likes houses. In fact he lives in one. You can drop him a line at the Custom Home Group website.

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