A Short Introduction To Stately Home Restoration

A Short Introduction to Stately Home Restoration

Stately homes are the bedrock of all things British, magnificent buildings that have dominated the landscape as a symbol of our heritage for hundreds of years. It’s well known that stately homes are facing a time of crisis, as the huge costs of maintenance in the modern era have left many of them in disrepair. However more and more people are looking to take on these restoration projects, and if you are amongst those thinking of doing so yourself, this short introduction should help you make the right moves.

Weighing Up the Pros and Cons

Whether you are looking to buy a stately home for renovation or you are already connected to a part of Britain’s heritage that is in need of some attention, it’s important to recognise that these projects can time-consuming and costly. That shouldn’t deter you from the task, providing firstly that the renovation is possible, and secondly that it is worth taking on. Think about the purpose of your renovation – is it for resale, to open as a public attraction, or could it be used for events such as weddings and filming?

To help you weigh up the pros and cons, enlist the help of professionals who can survey the estimated cost of the project. You should also do plenty of research into planning permission, to make sure that you would be able to use your stately home for the purpose you have in mind once complete.

Secure Funding

To prevent your project turning into a bottomless mine shaft of expense, it’s essential to secure all the necessary funding to see your renovation through to the end. This burden doesn’t have to be borne alone, as grants and funding can be secured from a great number of sources, from the Heritage Lottery Fund to the SITA Trust and many more. That way, you won’t have to cut corners or delay the work when the costs mount up during the construction process.

Get Insured

Even stately homes in the worst state of disrepair are highly valuable, if only for the plot of land and historic foundations. And these huge projects bear a great deal of risk, especially during the renovation process itself. So however tight the budget, don’t shy away from getting insurance for your building during the restoration. If anything was to go wrong along the way, it could entirely destroy your whole investment, or at least add significantly to your costs and set your schedule back for months. Insurance is therefore a wise precaution to take on such big projects.

Before you put in a bid on a stately home or sign any contracts with construction workers, it’s essential to prepare for restoration projects on such grand properties. Ensuring that you have all of the necessary planning, funding and insurance to go ahead with your works, will protect you from spiralling costs and common restoration mistakes. As such, it will make the chances of success all the more likely.

This article is written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, a freelance copywriter from Yorkshire. You can follow her on Twitter on @KellyGGrassam. This article was written with useful information from Henley Stone.

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