Four Paints Home Buyers Love

There is quite a bit that goes into the presentation of a house, and it can be a little overwhelming at times. Take your yard, for example; this is one of the first things a person notices about your home, and it will have a strong impact on their opinion of your home. Whether they are a guest, a friend, or a potential buyer of the home, the yard is going to do a lot of work when it comes to creating that first impression. Another thing that we can sometimes forget, however, is how important the paint used for your home is. That paint is vital to communicating feel, aesthetic, and personality to everyone who looks at your home.

So the question is, what color should you actually paint your home? After all, there are as many colors for your home’s paint job as there are colors in the rainbow – more, in fact! Some colors, however, are more popular than others, and before you settle on a color for your home it is worthwhile to investigate those colors and settle on the one that will work best for you, your home, your neighborhood, and your region.

  1. Off-White : Off-White is probably the most common color seen on homes. White itself is a rather neutral color, one that most people can get behind as it is so nondescript. However, a true white has the problem of easily showing how dirty it is over time; you’re made either to accept a dingy looking home, or to clean your home’s sides on a frequent basis. Off-white allows you to have the neutrality of white without the pure white color that can be so hard to keep clean and nice-looking!
  2. Taupe : Taupe is another neutral color that sees a lot of popularity owing to how ultimately nondescript it is. This is a color that, yet again, just about anyone will be okay with, and so it is quite popular among homebuilders and home-sellers, as it appeals to a very wide market in that sense. The darker gray color, in contrast to off-white, hides any kind of blemishes or dirt even better, and so requires less maintenance and upkeep on that end. It also blends in better to a lush garden and lawn, which is ideal for some.
  3. Blue Gray:Not everyone is interested in neutrality and playing it safe, however. The eye loves color, and that the truth of that statement can be seen in some of the homes going up for sale these days that sport a blue gray paint job. Blue gray are a darker shade of blue that doesn’t jump out at the eyes, but which provides a nautical, peaceful, calm feeling when looking at it. The color complements white trim and other brighter colors worked into the home’s façade, and is considerably more interesting to look at than neutral whites and grays.
  4. Yellow: Yellow is a stark departure from the previously-listed paints of choice, but that is why it is so popular; the light, pale, happy color of yellow stands out from among all the grays, whites, and dark blues that we see on most homes, making a yellow home a very notable member of any community! The yellow in this case is pale, however, and not bright enough to offend the end. Many end up choosing a yellow home for the unique, yet pleasant, look it sports!

Ken Uhrich prefers to have options when he paints! He regularly blogs and gives home improvement tips on the Custom Home Group website.